Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 13 June 2011

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 14th March 2011 from 5:30 pm to 7:25 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Ed Gent, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Roger Truelove, Ghlin Whelan and Jean Willicombe (substititue for Counicllor Barnicott). Kent County Councillor Mike Whiting (Chairman), Kent County Councillors Bowles, Adrian Crowther, Keith Ferrin, Gates, Ken Pugh and Alan Willicombe. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillor Mike Baldock.

Officers Present: Mike Knowles, Kellie Mackenzie and Brian Plannerand Pete Raine (Swale Borough Council, SBC)) and George Chandler, Aprille Hall, Vicki Hubert and Carol Valentine (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Also In Attendance: Borough Councillors: Mike Henderson and David Simmons, Parish Councillor Peter MacDonald, Mr Hudson (Chairman of Bapchild Parish Council), Mr Lloyd (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England - Protect Kent) and Mr Ansell and Mrs Ewing(local residents).

Apologies: Councillor Barnicott.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th December 2010 (Minute Nos. 547 - 555) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

The Chairman invited those members of the public registered to speak to do so as that item was considered by Members.


part a minutes for confirmation by cabinet


sittingbourne northern relief road - bapchild link

The Regeneration and Projects Manager introduced the report which provided details of the public consultation undertaken on the Bapchild section of the Sittingbourne Northern Relief Road (SNRR).

The Regeneration and Projects Manager gave a presentation which provided details of the history of the scheme, route choice, consultation scheme and results and route costs.

Mr Hudson, Bapchild Parish Council, spoke against the proposals. He considered that the completion of the route had never been part of the main consultation. He stated that as the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Stones Farm had now been agreed by SBC, completion of the SNRR through Stones Farm would be against policies H10 and T8 of the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008. He stated that Bapchild Parish Council did not support any of the proposed options and asked that the need for completion of the route be explored.

Mr Lloyd, Campaign for the Protection of Rural England - Protect Kent, raised the following concerns: he was surprised that only one option had been presented; there had been no alignments carried out; need to explore traffic impacts of the scheme and how traffic to east of Sittingbourne would be mitigated; detrimental impact on Tonge Conservation area which would be split in two; local footpaths and parks would be divided; would place a major development within an area identified within the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 as a strategic countryside gap and the combined routes would be visually intrusive across the entire area.

Mr Ansell, local resident, spoke against the proposal. He considered there were numerous inaccuracies within the report with regards to increased vehicle movements and noise. He stated there would be no benefit to the residents of Bapchild and the proposed route would significantly increase road noise, vibration and pollution.

The following points against the proposal were made by Members: need to consider the wider implications of the proposal; traffic management scheme required for whole of the A2; would have a detrimental impact on residents of Tonge, Teynham, Norton, Lynsted, Ospringe Street and Preston, Faversham; would exacerbate traffic congestion through Ospringe; improvements to Stockbury roundabout were required to improve traffic congestion in Sittingbourne; public walking areas around Tonge should be protected and a link from villages east of Sittingbourne to the M2 was needed before consideration could be given to completion of the SNRR.

Members made the following points in support of the proposal: current road infrastructure was already having a detrimental environmental impact on residents of Chalkwell Road, Staplehurst Road and Saffron Way, Sittingbourne; further development in North Sittingbourne would exacerbate congestion in Sittingbourne so link was needed; SBC Members voted unanimously eight years ago for the SNRR and there was a strategic need for the link.

Discussions ensued with regard to funding and KCC commitment to the A2 - M2 link.

In response to a tabled question, the Regeneration and Projects Manager stated that traffic modelling work would help to inform the impact of the SNRR joining East Hall to the Bapchild area but this would not be fed into the consultation.

Councillor Bowles moved the following motion: "That in the light of the detrimental effects to communities to the east of Sittingbourne and in light of lack of evidence from the consultees, this Board recommends to the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment Highways and Waste that the SNRR is progressed no further, until KCC comes forward with option proposals to move traffic to the M2". This was seconded by Councillor Ken Pugh.

Councillor Wright moved an addendum to the motion to include the following wording: "accepting the strategic importance of the link". This was agreed by the propose and second of the original motion.

On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

(1) That in the light of the detrimental effects to communities to the east of Sittingbourne and in light of the lack of evidence from the consultees, and whilst accepting the strategic importance of the link, this Board recommends to the KCC Cabinet Member for Environment Highways and Waste that the SNRR is progressed no further, until KCC comes forward with option proposals to move traffic to the M2.

various parking restrictions

The Engineer introduced the report which set out results of recent consultation carried out in various locations in relation to proposed waiting restrictions, and also to consider formal objections received following the recent advertising of Traffic Regulation Orders in Swale.

The Engineer drew attention to the tabled objections received relating to proposed double yellow lines and disabled persons parking bay at Sheerness Gateway Building, High Street, Sheerness.

Members did not consider there was a need for double yellow lines at the Sheerness Gateway building, as there were plenty of drop-off points in the vicinity.

(1) That Members note the report and recommend that Officers implement the following waiting restrictions:
Millen Road, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne
Sheerness Gateway Building, High Street, Sheerness (disabled bays)

That Members note the report and recommend that Officers do not install the following waiting restrictions:
Sheerness Gateway Building, High Street, Sheerness (yellow lines)
Glebe Lane/Temple Gardens, Sittingbourne

faversham parking review update

The Engineer introduced the report which provided an update on progress of the recent Faversham Parking Review, and in particular the proposed extension to the Residents Parking Scheme to include Edith Road and Belmont Road.

Councillor Mike Henderson presented a petition proposing the introduction of a residents parking scheme in Davington Hill, which would restrict non-resident parking during the day and introduce the permit scheme for residents. The petition requested that non-residents parking was restricted to one hour with no return for a further hour between 8am and 9pm.

Councillor Henderson stated that this was a small area and would not create any problems with streets nearby and had the support of all those residents of Davington Hill with cars. This item would be considered at the next meeting of the JTB.

Head of Service Delivery
(1) That the report be noted, and that Officers proceed with the proposed extension of the existing Residents' Parking Scheme to include all of Kingsnorth Road as well as Edith Road and Belmont Road.
(2) That the consultees be notified accordingly.

highway works programme 2010/2011

Members considered the report which provided an update on the identified schemes approved for construction in 2010/2011.

In response to queries, the Community Delivery Manager agreed to look at match-funding in terms of signage and funding to enable larger stretches of road to be repaired.

Parish Councillor MacDonald raised the following points: welcomed the resurfacing at Marine Parade; more footways and cycle routes required between Cowstead Corner, Minster and Leysdown; welcomed Public Rights of Way improvements to replace cobbles at Leysdown; alleged problems with Section 106 Agreement for the former Sheppey Hospital; had requested Queenborough bridge be looked at under Appendix D1, but no response to-date and Parish Councils needed gully cleansing schedules.

(1) That the report be noted.

sittingbourne guard railing assessment

Mr Williams (Jacobs) introduced the report which asked Members to consider proposals to manage sections of guard railing in Sittingbourne.

Discussions ensued and a motion was moved and seconded to defer the item to enable Ward Members to consult local residents on the proposals. On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed.

Mr Williams agreed to provide colour maps and a presentation for the next meeting of the JTB.

(1) That the Sittingbourne Guard Railing Assessment be deferred to allow Ward Members to consult with local residents on the proposals.

progress update

Members considered the report which gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough and Officers answered Members' questions. Members considered the report page by page.

A Member reported that maps showing drainage areas should have been sent to Parishes. The Community Delivery Manager agreed to provide an update on the latest drainage programme at the next meeting.

Community Delivery Manager

The Engineer reported that the Key Street layby had been completed.


information items - environment, highways and waste policy overview committee reports (kcc)

Members considered the following reports of the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee:

(1) Growth without Gridlock - A Transport Delivery Plan for Kent
(2) Local Transport Plan for Kent 2011-16
(3) Rail Action Plan for Kent
(4) 'Access to Kent' Regional Growth Fund Bid
(5) The Management of Double Parking and Parking at Dropped Kerbs
(6) Planned Carriageway and Footway Maintenance Programme 2011/12
(7) Future Highways Procurement - Update
(8) Member Highway Fund.

(1) That the reports be noted.

exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation by cabinet


disabled persons' parking bays - installations and removals

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted and that the following disabled person parking bays be installed (subject to supporting documents), removed or remain.

16 Swale Avenue, Queenborough
37 Kent Avenue, Minster
37 Goodnestone Road, Sittingbourne

35 Alexandra Road, Sheerness
1 Portland Avenue, Sittingbourne
52 Watsons Hill, Sittingbourne
65 New Road, Minster

disabled persons' parking bay applications and fees

(1) That the report be noted and the removal of the administration fee for disabled persons applying for parking bays and future bays and be installed as interim bays be agreed.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting